What are you going to do today to make a difference in someone's life?

Welcome - This is your call to action...

To My Friends and Colleagues...An Invitation

To My Friends and Colleagues,

I am writing with some exciting news and will apologize if you have already received this information from me in a different format (Twitter, Facebook…). For several years I have been writing a book about a challenge that I gave to myself to give for one hundred days. The book includes the stories behind the giving exercises, an inspirational thought for each day and a few journaling exercises for the reader. I have published the book as an e-book and it is now available through Amazon and Smashwords in a variety of formats for every reader.

Now that 100 Days of Giving is available as an e-book, I wanted to share this with people I knew even though “tooting my own horn” is kind of difficult. There are some really great stories included in the book and so many wonderful people who impacted my life considerably during the experience. I would like to share those people and endearing stories with you.

I would love for you to buy the book (retail price $3.99), and you may also download portions of it free - in both cases, you will have the opportunity to create your own journey of giving, or join me in my journey. And if you want to begin your own giving exercise, feel free to share this with someone (or everyone).

So here’s your call to action:

  •      Contact me at kastutzm@smig.net

It would be wonderful to hear from you about your giving experiences, or thoughts that you have as you embark on a journey of giving.

Thank you so much. I appreciate your support.
Kathy Stutzman


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