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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 89 ❦ Give Political Action

Day 89 ❦ Give Political Action

The Gift: Vote Buttons

I am always amazed at the power of a vote. Now I know we have had some sketchy elections lately in which courts have been involved instead of the “people” and the electoral college has made decisions that may not be consistent with the popular vote, but I am an idealist. I believe that every vote matters. Every one no matter how you vote. So you can imagine my delight when I was at a conference recently where they were selling VOTE buttons for November 2nd. I bought every one they had, not sure about what I was going to do with them. I have been carrying them around in my purse since.

Tonight I am going to attend a League of Women Voter’s meeting where they are going to be talking about voter registration initiatives for the upcoming elections and I am excited to hear about all that they have planned. With this group I am among a group of people who are like-minded, they also believe in the power of the vote, recently sharing the movie Iron Jawed Angels, a documentary of the women behind moving women’s vote to the forefront. Imagine, it was not that long ago that women could not vote, and more recently, that people whose skin is black. Wow - think about it. Combine the increased voting pool with the power of the vote and we should be moving mountains in this country. But alas, I am surrounded by skeptics and zero sum thinkers - so I need to confront that. Maybe that is why I am tired - I need to surround myself with “can-do” people, and the League of Women Voters are just such a group. As we go around the room and do introductions, I pull all of the buttons out of my purse and distribute them...this was really fun!

Your vote counts!

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