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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 94 ❦ Share Some Hometown Pride

Day 94 ❦ Share Some Hometown Pride

The Gift: SPAM and SPAM Stuff

Now before you delete this post, this is about the original SPAM, the canned lunch meat...not the other kind of computerized Spam...so hang in there with me. I live in Austin, Minnesota the home of SPAM, the canned lunch meat. We owe a great debt of gratitude for all tat the Hormel Foods Company does for the people who live, work and visit Austin. They are a very generous company and as a result, we have great schools, a beautiful library, fantastic parks, a YMCA that is open to all children under 18 years of age for $1/year...and so many more gifts that they help provide for our community. And then there is the SPAM Museum, yes, the SPAM Museum. The third most visited road side attractions in Minnesota, in a county without a lake. Now that says something.

People visit Austin from all over the world to visit the SPAM Museum and it is good for our economy, good for our community and great for our community pride - so why not just go along with the flow? I really enjoy bringing guests to the SPAM Museum and showing them around this community - it’s pretty cool and certainly unique. And, I bring many people to this community from all over the world, so I get to see our community through their eyes...and they love the SPAM Museum.

Today is not different, I have a group of people from Brazil visiting and have taken them to City Hall to meet the Mayor, to the TV Station to practice reporting the weather, then off to the Nature Center for a nice long walk and some maple syrup from the Nature Center...and then off to the SPAM Museum. It’s been a great day and I am really proud of all we have to offer for visitors to experience and explore, and yes, that means SPAM too. So naturally I am delighted as they excitedly receive their Austin Gift Bag filled with lots of goodies from their visit in Austin...including, SPAM. Have some fun, show some pride and give some laughs.

Share Some Hometown Pride

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