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Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Interlude - A review of the best

Today's Gift - a review of the most viewed posts so far. As I mentioned in the last interlude - I have begun a second cycle of 100 days of giving and while I should not be surprised by the impact and results, I remain continually and pleasantly surprised. The impact of focusing on giving every day and in return being open to receiving the giving others may have for you is life-changing. As simple as that - life-changing. Neither good nor bad but affirming, fulfilling and fun. I have found this exercise to again offer a new outlook to every day and gives me something to look forward to everyday...the surprise of it all. So in that vein, I present to you the top 4 posts of the first 28 posts:

By giving you give others permission to give too...

What it feels like to overcome our self-talk about giving...

The one I had the most fun with...

And, the inspiration of the exercise...

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