What are you going to do today to make a difference in someone's life?

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 24 ❦ Today, give to your family first.

Day 24

The Gift: A pair of jeans

Since I have shared the giving exercise with Shannon, I have decided to make her the recipient of receiving today. Both my husband and myself work in the human service industry and many times our jobs pull us away from our family’s needs to focus our attention on the people we serve. Sometimes our own children have to be patient, and since they are both very giving individuals, they usually understand.

Yesterday, when I told Shannon that we needed to find something or someone to give to, she immediately started listing off some of the children she knows who have needs that only kids know about. It really moved my heart to understand the depth of understanding that is shared amongst kids. When I was a child, I was one of those children that Shannon was concerned about having huge needs and her caring for that little kid in me really affected me. And the irony of all of this was that Shannon had been complaining almost daily about how much she needed jeans (which she did, growing as children do, three sizes this summer). Yesterday, when I told Shannon that we needed to find something or someone to give to - I absolutely expected her to proclaim herself as the primary recipient of the gift. She never mentioned herself. Time to put her in the front of the line.

I told her we had some errands to run (which of course is one of her least favorite things to hear from me) and we went shopping. She was really surprised as we headed to the girls section and wanted to know who we were going to be gifting today. She glowed when I told her that it was her day today. We had so much fun shopping and buying that precious pair of jeans.

Today, give to your family first.

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